Krantje Boord Short
With the crisis getting tougher, more and more people are getting up to resist. Strikes are being organized in Spain,…
With the crisis getting tougher, more and more people are getting up to resist. Strikes are being organized in Spain,…
“We’re seeing a bankers’ Europe emerge, that may make even Wall Street envious.” by Kenneth Haar. The financial and economic…
“It is not a crime to ask for free education” Protest against the 8 and a half years prison sentence…
by Xavier Lafrance and Alan Sears. The Charest government has turned to repression to try to break the largest and…
Teachers, students and all involved in education are on strike across Spain today against cuts.
After three days of being denied basic rights, our demonstration on Saturday was a grand success – a colorful and…
Popular protests such as Blockupy offer an alternative to capitalism for those facing a life hunting through garbage cans. by…
One year on, the Spanish indignados are offering practical ways to survive the economic crisis.
Three students discuss the role of direct democracy and political demands in building a massive movement. Watch full multipart Students and…
Wat je noemt een toespraak, Studenten en scholieren in Quebec zijn al meer dan een maand in staking, demonstratie met…