The Battle of Balcombe
Ook in Nederland dreigen bedrijven te gaan “fracken” – een beruchte methode om schaliegas te winnen die over de hele…
Ook in Nederland dreigen bedrijven te gaan “fracken” – een beruchte methode om schaliegas te winnen die over de hele…
Universities are hardly known for strikes, picket lines and industrial unrest. So why is the University of Sydney experiencing the…
De Zapatistas nodigen 1500 activisten uit de hele wereld uit voor hun ‘kleine school van vrijheid’ in Chiapas, om te…
What is that about, again, the academy and Chomsky and so on? Well with all deep respect that I do…
Ga je zelf op vakantie deze zomer, en ben je benieuwd waarom? Zie in onderstaande grafiek, op basis van CBS-cijfers, welke…
Drawing on experiences with Occupy CUNY, the Adjunct Project, and teaching an ‘Occupy Class’ at Brooklyn College, Steve M. shares…
Noam Chomsky speaks on the Corporatization of the University on July 12, 2013. Rackham Auditorium, University of Michigan
In his most recent column Egbert Alejandro Martina elaborates on the issue of institutionalized racism in the Netherlands and the…
Report and analysis on the neighbourhood assemblies in Istanbul. These events could herald a new phase or mark the movements…
This piece is the second of three parts, the first being — “A critique of Capital (1): The problem with…