In deze korte film gaat in op proces van privatisering in de marges van universiteit, en de gevolgen voor arbeidsomstandigheden. De film is geproduceerd door Karlina Derks Bustamante als onderdeel van de zelfgeorganiseerde cursus “How Does The University Work?” mede georganiseerd door Kritische Studenten Utrecht.
Despite that a big part of the university is being managed by public money, there are some spaces in which the process of privatization is almost completed. These spaces are the most marginal to the workings of higher education. Within these spaces we find the cleaners.
These employees are not longer public service employees but are hired by private companies. The process of privatization is transforming the conditions in which people have to work at the university. In this short documentary I show the differences between the working condition of employers who still work for the university and those who are hired by private companies.