Alleen de demonstratie van zaterdag mag misschien doorgaan, en de ‘rave against troika’ van woensdag, maar dan nog afhankelijk van overeenkomst met autoriteiten over de route. Alle andere (11) acties die aangemeld werden, zijn verboden verklaard. Hieronder een Engelstalig bericht vol links naar de uitspraak en de reacties daarop, en andere jongste ontwikkelingen. Als reactie op de aanhoudende verboden wordt overal ikn Duitsland opgeroepen om zich daar niets van aan te trekken en “juist nu naar Frankfurt te komen”.
Frankfurt: Blockupy ban upheld by judge
The Verwaltungsgericht in Frankfurt has given its verdict on the complete ban of all protests and demonstrations that Frankfurt authorities have declared for the period of May 16-19. The verdict was extremely disappointing as almost the whole lot was approved (that is to say: the judge followed the authorities). Only the demonstration of Saturday 19th might be allowed, and the ‘Rave against the Troika’ on Wednesday, depending on agreements on the route. 11 other activities that applied for a permit – including a monthly wake organised by religious activists, remain prohibited.
The judge declared that he followed information provided by the police that ‘public order might be in danger’ and ‘the rightsf the local shop owners, bbbank workers and inhabitants to be of more weight than that of those wanting to demonstrate’.,1472798,15240644.html
Meantime a few hundred people demonstrated outside the court.
The organizers will appeal the verdict at the higher court in Kassel, unknown is if when that court will decide a verdict.
In other towns also gatherings took place to protest the ban, and call continue to be published urging people to all come to Frankfurt. The influential Komitee fur Grundrechte und Demokratie has called for a demonstration against the prohibitions on Thursday 17th (12:00 Paulsplatz, ie. in the ‘forbidden’ zone and period).
On the website of the main organizers of the protests, musician Konstantin Wecker also urges to “come massively to Frankfurt. We will not let them prohibit our concerts, nor our demonstrations”.
Also in other towns and places in and outside of Germany protest against the ban is heard. At the Subversive Forum in Zagreb a declaration was issued, signed by many prominent political activists:
Probably the first test of how things will go in Frankfurt is the early next Wednesday as the occupy-camp in front of the European Central Bank – there since October 15 (the camp that is, not the ECB) – will be ‘temporarily dismantled’. The occupiers have declared that they will not leave voluntarily and will ‘resist peacefully’. Eviction is due for 7 am.
Blogging the Ban:
The number of people that received a ‘personal ban’ is now officially 419.
The anti-repression helpgroup EA advises everybody to appeal their ban.
The public transport in Frankfurt (Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (VGF) will close of some of its metro and train stations in the inner city during the days of protest.,1472798,15237080.html
Extra: International Autonomous Committee against capitalist normality explains the urgency and potential of the situation:
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