25 kunstenaars uit 8 landen hebben samen de grootste add-busting campagne van reclameborden in de geschiedenis van de VK uitgevoerd.
Gedurende vijf dagen is het team van guerillaplakkers afgereisd naar Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bristol and London om kunstwerken op te hangen die de reclameindustrie te grazen neemt door het visuele landschap terug te eisen.
“The group, Brandalism, says the strict enforcement of branding regulations for the London 2012 Olympics has been a strong part of provoking their reaction.”
Lees hier meer over op hun website: brandalism.org.uk
The famous Wayne Rooney Nike ad gets nicely busted by Bill Posters with the addition of a Foot Locker shopping bag and a new tagline.
In Birmingham.
Near a school in Manchester, Bill Posters presents a toxic Happy Meal.
Ron English had some fun in Bristol.
Ghost Patrol has some advice about the upcoming two weeks for Mancunians.
Polyp helps a BP executive clean his hands in East London.
By Cleon Patterson in Birmingham.
Beautiful piece by Paul Insect in London.
The Space Hijackers comment on the absurdity of the legalese of the Olympics.