¿KlimaatActie in Kopenhagen!

¿KlimaatActie in Kopenhagen!

Van 7 tot 18 december zal er een VN klimaattop plaatsvinden in Kopenhagen waar de wereldleiders met belangrijke NGO’s samenkomen om afspraken te maken om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Uit het verleden blijkt dat dit soort topconferenties niet leiden tot echte oplossingen, maar uitlopen op een verwaterd compromis waar niemand, behalve het klimaat, warm van wordt.

De oplossingen voor het klimaatprobleem die op de agenda staan van de komende klimaattop, zijn vooral gebaseerd op technologische innovaties en de handel in emissies. Dit zijn echter valse oplossingen. Het is belangrijk om te beseffen dat technologie alleen niet genoeg is om een klimaat catastrofe te voorkomen. Het veranderen van onze levensstijl en consumptiepatroon, iets waar weinig politici en organisaties zich aan durven te branden, is onvermijdelijk. De meest waarschijnlijke uitkomst van de top is een zwakke slotverklaring met een paar mooie woorden, maar weinig goede oplossingen. Terwijl daar gesproken zal worden over het krijgen van carbon credits voor het niet(!) kappen van tropisch bos, of het inpakken van de Sahara in wit plastic, gaat het klimaat verder naar de knoppen. Als de wereldleiders het op de klimaattop af laten weten, dan is het aan ons om ze onder druk te zetten.

Daarom gaan we tijdens dit debat met verschillende organisaties discussiëren over acties en demonstraties tijdens de klimaattop, die de wereldleiders moeten dwingen hun verantwoordelijkheid tegenover de wereld en haar bevolking te nemen. Maar is dit een realistisch doel? Kunnen activisten de wereldtop beïnvloeden en bijdragen aan oplossingen voor de klimaatproblematiek? En wat voor tactieken zullen hierbij het meest effectief zijn om daadwerkelijk verandering teweeg te brengen? En natuurlijk ook: hoe kun je meedoen? Kom ook en geef je mening!


Rutger van den Dool
Klimaat Actie Kamp NL



Peer de Rijk


Vertegenwoordiger van

Studenten mobilisatie voor COP15


COP15: Who’s who and what’s whenwombles.org.ukClimate Justice Actionclimate-justice-action.orgNever Trust a COPnevertrustacop.orgKlimaat Actie Kampklimaatactiekamp.orgASeedaseed.net

COP15 Mobilisatie info

Climate activities towards, during and beyond the Copenhagen Summit:

The coming Climate Summit in Copenhagen in December 2009 have generated a wide interest. Tens of thousands of activists, conference delegates and lobbyists will converge in the city for the 15th Conference of the Parties, COP 15, in the UN negotiations on a climate agreement.

There is a wide range of initiatives calling for everything from direct actions world-wide and in Copenhagen, to demonstrations and alternative conferences during the summit, media events and lobbying. Many of the initiatives have similar names and at the same time a very different character.

To enable a critical overview Association Aktivism.info have made this compilation of commented and politically structured information. Association Aktivism.info is a Nordic organisation to support experience exchange on activism and between popular movements started by a working group in Friends of the Earth Sweden.

Apart from the initiatives below claiming to get people in common involved there are also numerous G8 meetings, business and other initiatives influencing the negotiations.

Popular actions in relation to the Climate Summit:


28 Demonstration at WTO Summit in Geneva

30 International protests against trade and climate actions, Seattle +10

4 The Trade to Climate Caravan starts from Geneva to Copenhagen

7 Climate Forum and COP starts

11 Protest against business day in Copenhagen, NTAC

12 Flood Action for Climate Justice am, FOE

12 Demonstration pm, in Copenhagen on global climate action day

13 Hit the production direct actions, CJA, NTAC

15 Agriculture day, CJA

16 Push for climate justice demonstration at the Summit, CJA

18 Final COP day

20 Final Climate Forum day

Some other days of interest:


14 Zero Carbon Caravan starts in Wales towards Copenhagen

21-22 Global premiere of the “Age of Stupid”

21-28 Mobility week, Europe

12 International Day in Defense of Mother Earth and Indigenous Peoples

15-18 International preparatory meeting in Copenhagen for COP activities, CJA

24 UN Day and 350 ppm international climate action day

Organizations and networks who have initiated the activities in Copenhagen:

Climate Forum 09
Alternative summit for civil society organisations with the aim to produce a joint statement and provide space for numerous discussions on climate justice with strong participation from the South.
Climate Justice Action
Network for organizing action demanding climate justice and no to false solutions
FOEI Friends of the Earth International
International social movement organisation with one member group in each country
Copenhagen page
GCC Global Climate Campaign
A political initiative to mobilize a global climate action day each year
NTAC Never Trust a COP
Anti-capitalist activist network

Other networks and organizations initiating activities towards Copenhagen and beyond, a limited list of initiatives.

Peoples Climate Action
Danish main stream NGO project, WWF etc. “Peoples Climate Action will develop a new model for how citizens are involved and engaged in the common global challenge: to create a sustainable world, where politicians, scientists, energy and climate experts and manufacturers give people new products and options, and where people give politicians , researchers, energy and climate experts and producers backing to create a better world”. The purpose is to “Create space and good environment for effective and engaging mobilization of civil society in the democratic process before and during COP15.” and “To assist in Denmark appearing to be an open, democratic and hospitable country, giving the whole world of positive possibilities for civil society inclusion, expression and participation in democratic decision-making center.” translated from the Danish text on the website.
International Day of Climate Action in more than 100 countries October 24 to support reduction of the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million.
CAN Climate Action Network
Climate lobbyist network of over 450 NGOs working “to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. CAN members work to achieve this goal through information exchange and the coordinated development of NGO strategy on international, regional, and national climate issues.”
CJN! Climate Justice Now!
A network of organisations and movements from across the globe committed to the fight for genuine solutions to the climate crisis Š for social, ecological and gender justice.” Built on principles of climate justice, which were elaborated during the UNFCCC climate talks in Bali 2007:
Climate Camp movement
Direct climate action camps in Russia, India, Australia, Europe and North America
GCCA, The Global Campaign for Climate Action
Main stream NGO coalition organizing TckTckTck campaign “a global movement for a unified voice against climate change. The combined efforts of millions of people, including you, and our member organizations will deliver a clear message that we demand meaningful leadership and action against climate change.” ­ the same campaign that is also called The Global Alliance for Climate Justice, see below.
People’s Movement on Climate Change
The People’s Protocol on Climate Change is a global campaign that aims to provide venue for grassroots, especially from the South to participate in the COP15 process
The Age of Stupid
Film on climate change and the need for action which will have its global premiere with more than 700 screenings in more than 40 countries on September 21/22. The film describes the climate conflicts all over the world and claim consumerism and capitalism as root causes to global warming.
The Global Alliance for Climate Justice
“an open, democratic club of climate heroes founded by Mr. Kofi Annan. Become a Fan and join us in the fight for Climate Justice!!” Global social media campaign
Zero Carbon Caravan
14th August The caravan will start from Climate Camp Cymru, protesting against the Ffos y Fran Open Cast Coal Mine, and also demonstrating sustainable solutions, with workshops on sustainable living, all organised according to consensus based decision making. It will continue towards Copenhagen aiming a showing that “it is perfectly possible to have a zero carbon lifestyle, and that it’s fun, by getting to the talks without fossil fuels, visiting inspiring places like the Centre for Alternative Technology and holding zero carbon conferences, festivals and concerts on the way.”

[original article]

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