Due to a power failure this reading group session which was originally planned for 13 November has been moved to 27 November.
During this session we will discuss youth unemployment, flexibility & ‘flexicurity’ labour market policies, and ethnic inequality and discrimination on the labour market. At the end of this session we’ll briefly discuss the idea of a 21 hours working week, which could help to address the problems of unemployment, overwork, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, and more.
Join us for an interesting discussion!
The texts for this session are:
- “Labour market transitions of young workers in Nordic and southern European countries: the role of flexicurity”
- “Op achterstand”. Read the (English) summary of this (Dutch) report about discrimination against non-western migrants on the Dutch labour market (p.124-131)
- “Cosmopolitanism and freedom? Lessons of the global economic crisis.”
- “21 hours. Why a shorter working week can help us all to flourish in the 21st century” (we only ask you to read the 2,5 page summary. But if you’re interested you’re invited to also read the section on ‘Why we want to move towards 21 hours’ (p. 15-25), and if you’re super interested just read the whole thing 🙂 )
If you’d like to join in, and this is your first session, please subscribe to our reading group mailing list to get the latest updates and literature for future sessions.